5915 Old Waxhaw-Monroe Rd. Monroe, NC 28112

Times & Location

Our preschool program runs 4 days a week from 9 AM to 12 PM with an optional “lunch bunch” running until 1 PM. We follow the Union County Public School System for holidays and other school closings.

We are located at 5915 Old Waxhaw-Monroe Rd. Monroe, NC 28112. At the stop light in Mineral Springs turn South on Potter Rd. between Circle K and the church office. If you need directions just give us a call.

If you need to mail something, please use our PO Box 67 Mineral Springs, NC 28108 address.

Open House

The Open House will be the Thursday before Labor Day weekend. You will receive an email by mid-August that will ask you to report to the sanctuary by 9:30 or 10:30 AM.  After you check-in at the Sanctuary, and we have a brief meeting, you’ll be released to go meet your teacher and classmates. We assign the time you come based on our schedule. If you are interested in coming to this, please block that morning off and you’ll receive a more specific time later.  It usually only takes about an hour. At Open House, you’ll receive the Parent Handbook and an up-to-date yearly calendar that includes special activities scheduled throughout the year as well as all days we are closed.  If you need to know days for holidays, etc., go to www.ucps.k12.nc.us, click on “calendar”, then “the current year traditional calendar” to check out dates for holidays or teacher workdays. Due to COVID restrictions, if we are unable to provide an in-person Open House in the fall, you will be sent a virtual video Open House to view.

Weather Closings

Weather Closings will also be based on Union County Public Schools.  If they close, we close.  If they delay, we open at 10:00 and close at 1:00 for all students. There will be no Lunch Bunch

First and Last Days of School

The First Day of School will always be either the Tuesday or Wednesday after Labor Day, depending on the days your student s enrolled. Drop off will be 9:00 am and pick up will be either 12:00 or 1:00 depending on Lunch Bunch participation.  Parents walk their child(ren) in and out the first week so the child can become accustomed to their new environment, followed by car rider line starting the second week.

The Last Day of School will always be the Thursday before Memorial Day Weekend in May.