5915 Old Waxhaw-Monroe Rd. Monroe, NC 28112


All registration forms must be accompanied with the payment of the non-refundable registration fee to secure the spot for your child. We only take cash or checks made out to “MSUMCWS” mailed to: Preschool, PO Box 67, Mineral Springs, NC 28108. Do not mail cash but please drop it off and receive your receipt.

You can either download the PDF form below or stop by the preschool to pick up a hard copy form to complete and mail or bring it to the preschool along with your registration fee. The non-refundable registration fee must be paid to secure your spot.

2023-2024 Registration Form

When writing a check, make the check out to “MSUMCWS” and please use your Memo line to provide:
- Child’s Name
- Days Attending, for example, (M-Th)
- Days of Lunch Bunch for that month, for example, (LB MWTh)
- Either the word "Registration" or the name of the month you are paying tuition for

Add mineralspringspreschool@gmail.com to your allowed email addresses to prevent email updates from going into your SPAM.  You will begin to receive emails by mid-August.